The Founder’s Story
Born in Lahore – Pakistan, to a beautiful liberal Pathan family, I was raised to be outstanding from the very start. My father passed away when I was seven years old & left behind a bunch of spectacular human beings who swooped in to bring up my brother & I. I couldn’t have asked for better parenting than what was provided to me by my entire family.
Being a pure science student all my life I grew up with the dream of becoming a Doctor. However, a the year after my Alevels (add tons of emotional blackmail) I realized that coming
from a family of ambitious pharmacists, PharmD was the more logical choice for me.
Fast forward five years, I graduated with a PharmD degree, fell in love with the gentlest of souls & got married.
In 2006 I joined the family business “SCHAZOO Laboratories” (A pharmaceutical company
Established in 1951) as an Internee & underwent extensive training under the guidance of the best role models possible. I was hired full time as a Quality Assurance Officer as soon as I graduated. I have been working in the company in different capacities ever since, being trained in all departments & finally choosing IsoStandards Coordination, Implementation & Management as a
permanent post. I am now the Management Representative at Schazoo Zaka for Quality (9001) & Environment (14001) Standards & I LOVE my job. I am currently an internationally trained Lead Auditor for both Standards.
Where did the jewelry come in, right? Long story short, I believe that I have a scientist’s brain &
an artist’s soul. My professional life, rewarding as it is, was not feeding my soul as much as I
wanted it to. So my best friend Adnan & I decided to start a design house. The basic philosophy of this design house was to explore the local arts & crafts industry of Pakistan, find products with potential and give it a trendy & practical twist to meet the demand of the modern man.
Project Rich was established in December 2010 & showcased its first line of home accessories &
lifestyle products in May 2011. The exhibition was a huge success & Lahore showed us immense love & support. The next year, we moved on to jewelry. Jewelry however was more of my baby
than my friend’s so he let me carry on with it on my own. I’m very thankful to him for his encouragement throughout this journey.
My major claim to fame as a jewelry brand was when I launched my first AZAADI line in August 2013. The nation went wild ordering my jhandi cufflinks & studs & my dildil Pakistan pendants. The response was over whelming.
After that, there was no looking back. Project Rich has now made its niche market among men & women of all ages & I am having a ball designing jewelry ever since. Project Rich is working to
enhance the image of Pakistan as a creative nation. Everything we sell at Project Rich is made in
Pakistan by Pakistani craftsmen by hand. We, as a policy do not sell imported items of any sort.
Project Rich is PAKISTAN & supports all things Pakistan